Update: The Event is rescheduled to be on December 9-11th, 2011.
Ideas are dime a dozen. They are also the most hardest to convey to anyone. But its also true to quit a job, sit out of placements, on the basis of an amazing idea. Whereas, build a prototype, demonstrate it to folks, or if its a web product, put it out there and you'll know how people react to it. Thats really when an idea finds its life.
In50hrs is an initiative by The Startup Centre, where people come together, pitch their ideas, and over a weekend build the first version of their prototypes. Its an amazing learning experience, but most of all entrepreneurs find themselves, their strengths, find people they enjoy working with, and with the humblest of objectives, find a place to start their startup.Nov 4th - 6th, is when the next beginning, begins. Question is, are you part of it?http://in50hrs.thestartupcentre.comWould love for your support, and discussion on twitter. Follow and start a conversation with the hashtag #in50hrs. Attending the event? Would love to know you. If you are looking for a team mate, even better. But look forward to saying hello.